Monday, August 1, 2011

Our Avery is 8 months old!

This cutie is now 8 MONTHS!  Where did the time go???  
We LOVE Avery!
What has Avery been up to? 
PLAYING with her brother, she LOVES playing with Nolan.
She also loves playing with her toys, anything that plays music she is a big fan of!
She rolls to get around, and loves to stand against the furniture, we are not quite pulling ourself up yet.
Stats: 15 lbs. 10oz,(15% percentile), 26 1/2 inches long(20% percentile) and 17 3/4 inches for head circumference.

I took her over to Willow Creek Church, and she of course was smiley for the camera!

I just LOVE those cheeks!