Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Little Miss Avery

My little girl will be nine months tomorrow, where does the time go?  I cannot believe we have left the newborn stage, and she is now closer to being a toddler than an infant.  Avery is just about ready to crawl, she has the two lower teeth coming in, and she is getting better at naps and sleeping at night.  Avery has a very sweet, happy personality, and she is very relaxed, go with the flow kind of girl.  She adores the spotlight, and time with Mommy and Daddy, and she loves her brother Nolan, and Wrigley too.

I have recently really gotten more interested in photography.  It is sort of my hobby these days...and it is wonderful that Miss Avery lets me take endless pictures of her.  Today, while Nolan was at preschool we spent the morning at the Crab Tree Nature Center and took some photos.  I had fun practicing my camera skills in the manual mode.  She certainly enjoyed the different textures of the grass, leaves, and twigs.