Friday, December 17, 2010

Nolan's Preschool Holiday Party

Today Grandpa Hassman and I took Nolan to his classroom holiday party.  He was excited this morning to be having a party at school.  It is really cute to see his classroom, and his classmates all decorating than eating sugar cookies coated--knowing the sugar high that will follow!  Good thing after the cookies we moved to play some games in the auditorium.

Before game time, Nolan was being Mr. Intellectual reading Clifford in his classroom library section.

 He wanted to show me Mr. Snowman!

His favorite activity at the party was coloring paper plates.  This was a big hit with all the children!

Waiting patiently sitting in line for the game to begin!  Which is amazing to see.  At Halloween, these children could not follow directions, or sit still.  And now they were asked to sit down, and they all DID!

We all sang Jingle Bells and played Musical Cards!

 Opening his present with his classmate, "The Joy of Giving," with the Bearstein Bears.  From Mrs. G and Mrs. S.

 Their holiday wall outside the classroom, so cute!