Friday, December 3, 2010

Avery's NICU Adventure

Avery was diagnosed in utero at about 37 weeks as having premature atrial contractions.  It was found on a routine non-stress test that I had done where they monitor fetal heart rate and movement.  I then had an appointment with a maternal-fetal medicine specialist and we had a Level II Ultrasound.  She weighed 6 lbs., 10 oz. at this ultrasound, but all of her structures seemed normal.  She was still having the abnormal rhythm, and we were told they would follow it at birth.

During my cesarean delivery the neonatal doctor was present, and Avery was taken right from the operating room at birth to the newborn intensive care nursery.   She was hooked up to the heart monitors, and was found to be having several premature atrial contractions, causing her heart rate to at times only be 70 beats per minute. She underwent an echocardiogram, as well as holter monitor studies.  It was found that on the echocardiogram she has what is considered as a  RSPF or Redundant septum primum flap, also known as Foramen Ovale Aneurysm.  The foramen ovale is normally open during the fetal period and slowly closes after birth.  In Avery's case, this area has an extra flap that is irritating her left atrium causing her to have the PAC's or abnormal rhythm.  The good news is that these beats are not giving her any difficulty with her blood pressure or oxygenation levels.

We follow up this week with further holter monitoring as well as with the pediatric specialist out of Children's Memorial Hospital.

Avery seemed to enjoy her stay in the NICU, the nurses were just wonderful and took excellent care of her!  She had her own room, and really was treated like a little queen!