Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Avery's Birth Story

I had been having irregular contractions for weeks, and was ready and excited to meet my little girl.  I kept praying that something would trigger labor, as I really did not want a repeat cesarean section which was scheduled for December 3rd, at 39 weeks of pregnancy.  I started contracting more regularly on Nov. 30th in the later evening at 38 weeks, 5 days and, by Dec. 1st at 6am I was having contractions at regular intervals about 3 minutes apart.

We checked into the hospital and learned that I was in labor, but only the early stages.  At that point I was able to choose whether I wanted to attempt to have a vaginal delivery or proceed with a cesarean section.  I really did not want a repeat cesarean section, so we decided to try for a vaginal birth.  The only difficulty was that I could not have any induction agents because of having a previous cesarean section.

So we waited for my labor to become stronger, but it really didn't and after several hours, I had not dilated any further.  I walked the halls of the labor unit for 1 hour, in hopes to get things going, but to no avail.  The doctor decided to break my water in hopes of getting things going, and we waited some more.  Still not any further along, and 8 hours since we arrived to the hospital, the doctor decided it was best for myself and our baby to have a repeat c-section.  I was slightly disappointed, especially since I was contracting at 38 weeks and 5 days.  But I at least had tried to deliver vaginally, and sometimes I realize in life, "things are just out of our hands."

And once I saw my precious girl, it really didn't matter how she arrived!

Each day comes bearing its own gifts.  Untie the ribbons.”  
Author: Ruth Ann Schabacker

Happy Birthday Avery!

Born at 5:14 PM on Dec. 1st, 2010
7 lbs, 1 oz., and 20 inches long

Fun facts:  December 1st was the first snow in Chicago in 2010