Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Every Day Happenings

Nolan and Avery amaze me everyday!  I LOVE my children to pieces!  It has been so much fun lately to watch them both grow and do new things.

Avery now has found her hands, she looks at them, opening and closing her fingers.  She also has learned that her hands reach her mouth, and I think she thinks they taste pretty darn good!

And Nolan he just is really learning new things everyday.  He makes me laugh with all of his little sayings it is really quite cute!   His vocabulary seems to grow on a daily basis.  We went to the pool today, and he told me, "The pool makes me feel FUN!"  How can I not love this boy!

But he then amazed me by pulling out his letter book.  We have been working on his lower case letters, and his numbers.  Well, he got out the book on his own, and started writing his numbers and letters all by himself. I was in AWE!  My little guy is becoming quite smart.  (Okay maybe I am little biased!)  But I love to see him learning new things.