Monday, October 11, 2010

My little man is almost 2 and 1/2

We just had our two and 1/2 year checkup, at the pediatrician.  Nolan has improved on the percentage rankings for his weight.  I was really worried, since he is the pickiest eater, and he is the smallest in all of his classes.  He is now 28 lbs, and 35.5 inches tall.  Which was 25% for weight and height.  I was shocked, since we had been in the 10% percentile for weight previously.

Nolan's vocabulary has significantly grown over the past two months!  He is now saying 3-5 word sentences, and is just really cute in the way he pronouces his words!  I am amazed at some of the things he says, or knows!  Every day this little man just AMAZES Mommy! Here are some of the latest:  This list is more for me to remember down the road what he was doing at 2 and 1/2.

My dad was over the other day helping install a light in our ceiling, and he was climbing around in our attic.
Nolan at the bottom of the ladder, yells up:  "Be Careful Grandpa."  Just so sweet.  Then Grandpa hits his head on a nail in the attic, and comes down the ladder, with blood on his head.  Nolan's response:  "Oh No, Grandpa What Happened?"

He loves "candy corns,"  he must get that from mommy!  But what is funny is he calls them "Party Corns."

Today, he tells me while eating fruit snacks, "Mommy, these Nemo's are delicious."  The fruit snacks were Nemo fruit snacks.  But what shocked me was his use of the word delicious.

He has been in love with the Halloween season, of pumpkins, and visiting the pumpkin patch.  But he calls all the pumpkins, "pumpkin patches!"

He also has started to ask, "What's that?"  He is super inquisitive.

He also has learned to sing the ABC song!  I really need to videotape that one!