Friday, March 12, 2010

Just CUTE!

Nolan is 22 months old today! I cannot believe IT! He is such a wonderful and sweet little boy.

He is at a wonderful age of fun and curiousity, he loves to explore and play. He loves to cuddle. And he is learning his WORDS!

Yesterday he was at his preschool class, and after class we are all walking up the stairs, well Nolan is sort of crawling up the stairs. Here is our conversation:

Mom: Nolan can you move over you are blocking the stairwell for the other children.
Nolan: I know!

I just broke out laughing, all the moms in the stairwell laughed, and Nolan looked at us and giggled too!

I am not sure where he learned, "I know!" But it was just so darn CUTE!

I adore my little MAN.