Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tahoe Family Reunion 2010 "The Beginning"

On Sunday, we arrived in Tahoe for our family reunion.  Nolan enjoyed most of the 4.5 hour plane flight, although 2.5 hours in, he was asking to "Go Outside."  Which it is a little challenging explaining to a 2 year old that we are 30,000 feet in the air and cannot go outside.  His favorite part was waiting to board the airplane, getting to see all the "Big Airplanes," that were gated in the American terminal.

Once we arrived we were greeted by Todd's cousins and the fun began.  Nolan took an instant liking to all the "kids," as he calls them, but really they are between 13 and he has been getting attention non-stop since we arrived.

Some of the boys, Todd, Kyle, Collin, Muath and Omar

On Sunday night, we enjoyed a family dinner that Musab prepared for everyone!  And had a great time chatting and getting reacquainted with family that we have not seen for at least a year, or more.

 The girls and Nolan:  Ashlyn, Jenna, Shayma, Khawlah, and Kaitlyn

We have also had fun playing Rock Band!

Omar on the drums!