I am amazed by the innocence of childhood. My son Nolan is now 11.5months old, and everyday he amazes me! I have watched him grow into a little being. It is so rewarding to observe him as he explores his environment. I can see the innocence of childhood in his eyes, his smiles, and his contagious giggles. Everyday he explores endlessly pointing at everything in sight, his mind wanting to learn about everything; from objects, to sounds, different colors, and textures. What made me think about how everything was so "new" to him was when I was watching him at the park for the first time, giggling with joy sitting in the swing. And today he had gotten quiet, so I was wondering where he wandered to. I found him in the laundry room pointing at the running washing machine, just looking at it in amazement.
The past 11 months have been quite a journey for Nolan, Todd and I--and I am definitely loving being a wife and a mommy. We love every moment we have with Nolan and each other! Todd and I are looking forward to all the fun, silly, and loving times that are in our future.