To my sweet Avery,
It is hard to believe that you entered into our lives over one and a half years ago, and what an absolute joy you have been! Your second birthday is a few months around the corner and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. I remember so many moments over the past few years, from the time we decided to add to our family, to finding out you were in my belly, to sharing the news with your big brother and to the moment we got to see your sweet face for the first time. One of the memories I hold most dear to me is the moment your big brother got to see you for the first time. It was at the hospital, he was 2 1/2, you could tell he was anxious and unsure, but yet the look on his face made me realize even more so how important a sibling is.
Your personality is pure sunshine, your smile is contagious. Your favorite words are HI and BYE, you tell everyone these words and wave at them. It makes people smile and they always comment on how cute your personality is. You love people and do not know a stranger and while this trait is going to make me nervous in the future, for now, seeing you reach out to others to hold you and then watching you study their face is intriguing. You are so very sweet and caring already. You have a fondness for "babies," even though I would like to think you are still mine. You help the ladies at the nursery with the little babies, and like to pat their heads. You seem to have an inquisitive side, a little serious face appears at times, and when this face appears I would love to know what you are thinking about as you study others and the world around you!
You just started dance class and it is so touching to see you enjoy it. You are still very young and just learning to follow directions, but you smile and giggle, and you love to bounce to the music. I am blessed to be able to share these moments with you, and I can't wait to watch you grow. You already have an adventurous side, I definitely see lots of activities in your future.
The person you look up to most is your big brother, Nolan. You always seek him out at home, and once you find him you just smile. You seem to miss him while he is away at school. And he is very protective of you, he loves you and seems to take care of you when you are playing with him and his bigger friends. The love between the two of you makes my heart just melt. I am beyond blessed to have the both of you and also watch the two of you grow up together.
My sweet Avery, I pray that I can be the best mother possible to you and your brother. While the baby is slowly being replaced by a little girl, I know that I should remember and cherish every minute of every day because one day I will blink and I will no longer have a precious baby to carry around. She will be replaced by a little girl that will start to want her own independence.
Thank you Avery for all of your snuggles, your sweet kisses, and your huge smiles as you reach up for me to hold you. You are so incredibly precious to me.
Love you to the moon and back, forever and always...